
Saint John

Happy Saint John’s Day! In Italy as in other parts of Europe, the feast of Saint John the Baptist (or San Giovanni Battista) is inextricably tied to magic, witches, and divination. Celebrated starting the night of June 23 into the day of June 24, the feast was popularized as a Christian alternative to (or innovation on?) the celebration of the summer solstice. Carol Field writes in Celebrating Italy (p. 92): 

Christianity simply grafted the pagan fires to the celebration of the Feast of San Giovanni. The prophet was born precisely at midsummer, just as Jesus was born six months later at the turning point of winter, two moments in the calendar that mark passage across a critical threshold. Bearded and dressed in animal skins, subsisting on honey and locusts, San Giovanni also resembles an ancient god of the fields, or the mythical King of the Wood who married the Great Goddess in dark midwinter. Six months later, the King of the Wood was put to death beneath a great sacred oak by his successor. So this sacrificial death, with its intimations of rebirth and renewal, was meant to encourage the fertility of the fields.

U Muzzuni

Saint John's Day is known in Alcara li Fusi, a municipality in Messina, Sicily as La Festa di Muzzuni. This is one of my favorite Southern Italian folk traditions. It's also said to be one of the oldest. Although performed on the feast of Saint John, many recognize this as the survival a propitiatory rite to the Great Goddess Ceres or Demeter, who rules over the fertility of the earth. The rituals surrounding the Muzzuni are focused on finding love, and thus also may call upon Aphrodite and Adonis. In these rituals, young women dressed in white dance to love songs sung by male musicians. 

The Muzzuni is constructed with an uncorked wine bottle ("headless", like Saint John himself), which is then stuffed with grains, covered with a handkerchief, and ornamented with precious metals. The Muzzuni is often placed between two oil lamps in front of a colorful tapestry.  

You can see examples of the Muzzuni here, and in the video below!  

Acqua di San Giovanni

As his name implies, Saint John the Baptist is often associated with water in regional folklore. In particular, the dew which collects overnight between June 23 and June 24 is believed to be magically potent. This dew can be collected, some say ideally by a woman who has fasted and who recites the Ave Maria as she goes about her business. This dew can then be combined with certain herbs and left out under the moon to gain magical potency. 

One Italian source describes the following as standard herbs used in the preparation of this potion, or to be dried and used in other magical workings until the next St. John’s Day:

  • the yellow-colored St. John’s wort, to be kept on the body all night to protect from misfortune, and to provide serene sleep, or outdoors to protect families;
  • artemisia against the evil eye;
  • rue for healing properties, and as a ward against the devil, given its cross-like shape;
  • dewy mint that guarantees long life;
  • sage to protect against evil creatures;
  • verbena, symbol of peace and prosperity which was dear to witches and able to heal from illnesses;
  • currant, whose red fruits are also called berries of St. John;
  • periwinkle, also used for the preparation of vegetable talismans;
  • mandrake, one of the most dangerous plants, with the dual faculty of sedating and exciting given its ambivalent essence, male and female; very dear to witches, used it to prepare narcotics and love filters;
  • rosemary, hung with St. John's wort and rue at the doors of the houses, kept away the devils and witches;
  • garlic, potent talisman, if harvested before sunrise was particularly strong against witchcraft; …
  • lavender, with bouquets in drawers and cabinets, protected the linens and by extension the whole family;
  • fern, which gave divinatory powers, supernatural forces and wisdom (according to popular belief, its flower opens only the Night of St. John, remains visible for only a moment and can only be harvested after fighting with the devil);
  • carline thistle, which was used to prevent the witch's malicious passage; If nailed to the door of the house, it forces the witch to count all its caps... 

The acqua di San Giovanni, properly prepared, is believed to increase beauty while protecting against the evil eye, envy, and curses. 

Piombo di San Giovanni

Saint John's Eve was a traditional time of love divination, when young men and women would contact the spirit world to gain insight into their marriage prospects. One such divinatory spell involved melting lead and dropping it into cold water, where it would freeze into shapes which could then be interpreted according to traditional symbolism. 

This ritual was often undertaken following a novena which lasted from the evening of June 15 until the vigil of the feast. While the prayer said on these nights was composed in regional dialect, a form in Florentine Italian is found in Il Libro dei Rimedi Magici by Guido Guerrara: 

San Giovanni benedetto, 
pe' un infame maledetto, 
foste a morte condannato,
con sto' piombo coagulato, 
conoscere mi fai, 
la fortuna che mi dai, 
San Giovanni della vita.

In English: 

Blessed Saint John, 
cursed by an infamous one, 
you were condemned to death, 
with this coagulated lead, 
let me know, 
the fortune that you give me, 
Saint John of life. 

Of course, if lead is difficult to get a hold of, or if you are concerned about the possibility of lead poisoning, you could also perform this ritual with an egg in water. To do so, it is advised to find a large, clear glass and fill it with water. Then, crack an egg and separate the whites from the yolk. Drop the whites only into the glass of water and leave out overnight on the windowsill. According to tradition, water covered in bubbles signifies that you will soon find a mate who is handsome, nice, and rich; the image of a building or church is a good omen, but marriage is not indicated in the short-term; and should no images appear, you'll just have to wait until next year! 

Traditional Foodways: Dolci dei morti

Food is a central part of celebrating festa dei morti or All Souls' Day in Southern Italy and Sicily. Granted, it's a central part of most feste italiane, but something about the way sharing a meal brings a family together illuminates the true meaning of this holiday, which focuses on familial ties that bind us even in death.

Many of the traditional foods associated with this day are desserts, called dolci dei morti ("sweets of the dead"). These dolci predate the importation of American Halloween traditions, including trick-or-treating, but the commonality of sugary fun is definitely intriguing!

I can only speculate on why sweetness is so important to Italian and Sicilian celebrations of the dead: it could be because children play a prominent role in this feast, being seen as gifts from (or perhaps emanations of) the ancestors. Or maybe it's so that the dead will be sweet to us, doing graces on our behalf! In any case, savor the sweetness of the day. Flavor, like scent and music, reveals something about the nature of spirits.

Ossi dei morti (Sicily) Shown above, these cookies are made with the first almonds harvested in September. Their shape and color is meant to mimic a pile of bones. Get the recipe here.

Pane dei morti (Lombardia) More of a cookie than a bread in my opinion, but I'm not a chef. These also contain almonds, with amaretto cookies, chocolate, and figs for additional flavor. Get the recipe here.

Pupi di zucchero (Sicily) These figures are shaped out of marzipan to resemble humans in a tradition remarkably similar to the calaveras or sugar skulls used to celebrate Día de los Muertos in Mexico. The pupi di zucchero are both decorative and delicious, commonly given as gifts to children, and seem to represent the dead themselves. But unlike in Mexican folk art, the dead in Southern Italy and Sicily are depicted as they were in life, not as skeletons.

Sicilian rosary to Saint Joseph

Transcription courtesy of Preghiere Siciliane:


San Giusippuzzu fustivu patri virgini fustivu comu la Matri Maria la rosa, Giuseppi lu gigghiu datini aiutu, riparu e cunsigghiu.

Scura ora e aggiorna dumani la pruvvidenza nn'aviti a mannari la pruvvidenza di la casa mia l'aspettu di Gesu, Giuseppi e Maria.


Ludamu l'eternu Quantu, lu Patri, lu Figghiu e lu Spiritu Santu Sia lodatu e binidittu sia lu nomu di Gèsu, Giuseppi e Maria.

Pater Noster

Ave Maria

law, logic, and the dark mother

"In Italy, Isis was a mother divinity associated with healing; the 6th century BCE temple to Isis at Pompeii is located next to a temple of Aesculapius, or Serapis. A significant characteristic of Isis, one later associated with the christian madonna, was that she was a compassionate mother. In the rhcistian epoch her son Horus was represented as a child figure. Isis is often depicted with a laurel wreath and two prominant ears, symbolizing that she listened with both ears to the prayers of all those who came to her, an image that can be found to this day in italian folklore. "Water, always associated with Isis, held a sacred quality: holy water, holy rivers, and holy sea. The serpent, identified with Isis, was always sacred. ...Isis and wheat, in the roman epoch, became Ceres and wheat. In the christian epoch Isis became santa Lucia, whose images always carry a sheaf of wheat. The olive tree, associated with Isis, has today become symbol of nonviolent transformation. Italy's contemporary nonviolent left political coalition is named L'Ulivo, or the olive tree. ...In her 600 BCE image in the Museum of Cairo, Isis is figured as a black nursing mother, who bears a startling resemblance to christian images of the nursing madonna.

"Veneration of Isis, her spouse Osiris, and son Horus persisted in all the pharaonic dynasties, a 3,000 year old history when belief in Isis spread from Meroe and Alexandria to 'the whole Mediterranean basin.' In Italy and other latin countries where the holy family is a focus of devotion, the trinity of Isis and her husband and child became the popular christian trinity of Maria, Joseph, and Jesus, popular trinity that differs from the motherless trinity--father, son, and holy ghost--of canonical christianity.

"At african Memphis, hymns praising Isis as a civilizing, universal divinity who had ended cannibalism, instituted good laws, and given birth to agriculture, arts and letters, moral principle, good customs, and justice. Mistress of medicine, healer of human maladies, sovereign of earth and seas, protectress from navigational perils and war, Isis was 'Dea della salvezza per eccellenza... veglia anche sulla morte,' divinity of salvation par excellence, who also watches over the dead. ...

"Acknowledging the dark african mother who preceded patriarchal world religions does not, to this sicilian/american woman, seem all that iconoclastic. It may be a matter of how we think. Erik Hronung, egyptologist of the University at Basel, refers to the complementarity of egyptian logic, which resembles complementarity in physics. 'For the Egyptians two times two is always four, never anything else. But the sky is a number of things--cow, baldachin, water, woman--it is the goddess Nut and the goddes Hathor, and in syncretism a deity a is at the same time another, not-a.' For Hornung, 'the nature of a god becomes accessible through a "multiplicity of approaches," [and] only when these are taken together can the whole be comprehended.' Sicilians, as Justin Vitiello reminds us, know this intuitively. So do artists, craftsmen, poets, and peasants of the world. In the 1970's, when I began to research my italian godmothers/grandmothers, I came across a tile with a blue-black star with thrity-two points in a blue green sea. The tile was named Iside, italian for Isis."

Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, dark mother: african origins and godmothers, pp. 20-21, 27.

Sicilian rosaries to Santa Lucia

Rosary to Santa Lucia In Sicilian:

"Santa Lucia amabile e castusa partistivu di la vostra Siracusa tutta amabili e amurusa china di peni e di fracelli vi livaru poi li dui belli ucchicelli. Vui sula ca siti accussì miraculusa sarvatini di l’occhi miccilusa. Comu sarvastivu fortimenti l’avanzata greca a la vostra amata Catana tinitini forti l’occhi finu all’urtimu jornu di la nostra esistenza ca a vui facemu pinitenza. Senza pani e senza carni si ciberà lu corpu miu chinu di piccati e daranno luci a li occhi finu all’urtimu jornu di la nostra cruci."

In Italian:

Santa Lucia amabile e casta partiste dalla vostra Siracusa tutta amabile e amorosa colma di pene e flagelli vi levarono poi i due occhietti belli. Voi soltanto che siete così miracolosa salvateci dalle cecità. Come salvaste con vigore dall’avanzata greca la vostra amata Catania preservateci con vigore gli occhi fino all’ultimo giorno della nostra esistenza che a voi facciamo penitenza. Senza pane e senza carne si ciberà il corpo mio pieno di peccati e daranno luce agli occhi fino all’ultimo giorno della nostra croce.

In English:

Saint Lucy lovely and chaste you left your Syracuse all lovely and amorous filled with pains and floggings there arose then two beautiful eyes You who are only so miraculous save us from blindness. As you with vigor saved from the Greek advance your beloved Catania preserve with vigor our eyes until the last day of our existence that to you we do penitence. Without bread and without meat you will eat my body full of sins and you will give light to the eyes until the last day of our cross."

Recite one Pater Noster, then: 

In Sicilian:

"Santa Cruci biniditta santa Lucia sempri a la dditta cu lu calici e la parma duna focu a la nostra arma. Cu lu mantu russu sia duna luci a li occhi mia."

In Italian:

"Santa Croce benedetta santa Lucia sempre all’impiedi con il calice e la palma incendia la nostra anima. Con il manto rosso dà luce ai miei occhi."

In English: "Blessed holy cross holy Lucy always at the foot with the chalice and lit palm of our soul. With the red cloak give light to my eyes."

At the end of the rosary, look up into the sky and kiss the earth, and make the sign of the cross.

Another Rosary to Santa Lucia


In Sicilian:

"Santa Lucia ‘n mezzu a lu mari chi ciancia. A ‘ncontra Santu ‘Lia, chi ha’ Lucia?"

In Italian:

"Santa Lucia in mezzo al mare che piangeva L’incontra Santo Elia, cosa hai Lucia?"

In English:

"Saint Lucy in the middle of the sea crying Encounter Saint Elias, what is wrong with Lucy?"


In Sicilian:

"Haiu un duluri nna st’occhiu. S’è di sangu fallu squagghiari s’è di purpu jettalu a mari."

In Italian:

"Ho un dolore in quest’occhio. Se è di sangue fallo sciogliere se è di polipo buttalo a mare."

In English:

"I have a pain in this eye. If it is from foul blood dissolve If it is from from octopus throw it in the sea."

Sara Favarò, A Cruna. Antologia di Rosari Siciliani.